Welcome to Kew Little Pigs!
Anyone with Covid-19 symptoms or any other contagious illness including a raised temperature or cough MUST NOT visit the farm and should follow government guidelines on isolating. If you have had sickness, diarrhea or, flu-like symptoms within 48-hours before your visit, you should not visit our farm due to the risks to our pigs, staff, and other visitors which could cause implications to our business and animals' health. Pigs are zoonotic and can get illnesses from us and can pass illnesses to humans. Tickets can be re-gifted to friends and family to attend in your place. Please read full T&Cs.

All our animals on the farm are friendly and used to customer contact. However, we cannot guarantee they will not bite/cause harm. Please take precautions when in/around their pens and follow the instructions given to you during your health and safety and tour. For further information please read our T&C's.

We have portable sinks located around the farm to ensure regular hand washing. Robust and easy to clean, the KiddiSynk has been specially designed with smaller hands in mind – and it’s so easy to use!
As reputable breeders, we do everything we can to protect the safety of our visitors and adhere to all environmental health and safety guidelines.
This information has been gathered from the code of practice which can be found here.
We conduct extensive risk assessments on all aspects of our farm to ensure the safety of all of our visitors, staff, and animals.
If you are pregnant we suggest getting advice from your midwife or GP before coming to the farm. People with low immunity, very young, or elderly generations should also limit touching the animals and thoroughly wash their hands and shoes using the foot dips, sinks, and sanitisers provided.
Being a working farm we advise all members of the public to wear wellies or shoes you don't mind getting mucky. Open-toed shoes and shoes with spikes are strictly prohibited.
This information is a precaution only, however, all visitors must use the foot sanitising dips when entering the farm, located at the car park and by the farm office gate. They must also sanitise/wash hands on arrival and before leaving. As well as the kiddisynk's, foot dips and sanitisers we also have 2 on-site toilets for customer use. For full T&C's please click here.