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Snow hogs! Adorable scenes as mummy and her babies enjoy the snow – Kew Little Pigs Farm

Snow hogs! Adorable scenes as mummy and her babies enjoy the snow

It really has been a week of firsts for Blossom and her piglets, and after their first foray into the outside pens, they all enjoyed a winter experience when the farm was covered in a blanket of snow. 

The piglets loved exploring their new environment and were curious to find out what the snow was, but the fun was short-lived as the rain soon came down and the party was over. 

There was still time for us to capture a few adorable snaps though. How cute! 

Olivia Mikhail, owner of Kew Little Pigs, said: "The piglets are so little everything a first time experience, and it was so adorable to see them interacting with their new snow covered environment. 

"Farm staff were on hand to ensure that the snow wasn't too much for the little pigs, and it was an enjoyably day all round." 

Kew Little Pigs is currently offering a huge discount to families who would like to come and visit. Currently family tickets to the farm are discounted by 50% meaning that more people are flocking to see the gorgeous piglets. 

Kew Little Pigs is the UK's leading breeder of miniature pigs, and all of the piglets born at the farm go on to be pets in people's loving homes. Anyone who wants to buy a pig must take part in a pig keeping course and demonstrate that they have room for their new arrival. 

To buy a family ticket and find out more go to