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Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day campaign 2018 – Kew Little Pigs Farm

Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day campaign 2018

Kew Little Pigs are honored to be apart of the  Save The Children Christmas Jumper Day 2018 campaign. 

Our pig-ture perfect piggies Rosie-May, Mia and Noel were very excited to have been selected as the cover-pigs of what is arguably one of the most charitable campaigns over Christmas. 

Our trio of diva's welcomed the Save the Children crew to the farm, where they were no strangers in showing the team their little piggy homes here in Amersham. They had a great day being fed lots of tasty treats whilst having their first official Christmas jumper fittings. 

The camera loving piggies and business owner Olivia then traveled up to London in the KLP piggy van to a gorgeous London studio. They spent the day in front of the camera perfecting their piggy poses to ensure they looked hot to trot as the cover stars of the 2018 Christmas Jumper day campaign. 

In between takes the STC staff made sure our piggies were perfectly pampered, giving them access to their own dressing room whilst feeding them delicious fruit and veg, which was well received by the hungry four-legged stars who had all built up a hearty appetite! 

With just a few days to go until we all don our jumpers and donate to this appeal, we want you all to do your bit either at work, school, with friends or at home to help Save the Children reach their target to save the lives of so many disadvantaged children world wide. 

Our piggies Noel, Mia and Rosie-May were all to happy to be the cover-pigs for the campaign and are currently running around making sure all the piggies on our farm spread the message!

It's not to late to sign up and really help make a difference this Christmas:

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