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Important Announcement: Ticket reselling – Kew Little Pigs Farm

Important Announcement: Ticket reselling

We have recently noted a number of people advertising their experience and fun day tickets for resale on our feeds. 

Please note that this is not allowed, and we cannot vouch for the validity of these posts. 

Anyone who has tickets which they no longer need can rebook with us one time free of charge, so if you do have tickets that you would like to reschedule please email - there is no need to resell your tickets as you can change the date. 

For anyone wishing to visit the farm, the only way to be sure of your purchase is to book through us. 

Tickets for the fun day can be booked on this link:

Tickets for all other farm experiences can be booked via this link:

You can of course buy tickets from selected official third party ticket outlets such as Virgin Experiences etc. These tickets are valid. 

We would like to thank all our customers for their support for us here on the farm, and would hate for anyone to inadvertently purchase invalid tickets.