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Bill and Teds excellent adventure to St Martins girls school Solihull – Kew Little Pigs Farm

Bill and Teds excellent adventure to St Martins girls school Solihull


On Monday 10th February our show pigs Bill and Ted went on a most excellent adventure to St Martins Independent school to showcase their skills and most importantly get lots of cuddles!

The boys were on their best behavior, the children enthralled to have 4 legged guests at their morning lesson, and the teachers feedback that they learned facts about miniature pigs they themselves didn't know! 

Olivia (MD) and Jack our latest farmhand and newly appointed events assistant, left the KLP farm early to get to the school for a prompt 9:30 am class.  

The order of the day was to educate 4 classes with a 30-minute KLP presentation tailored to age groups; St Martin's being reception through to year two. 

The children loved the experience; they adored brushing Bill and Ted and asked lots of questions - we have a feeling some of them might be asking their parents for a miniature pig for their birthdays! 

After the presentation and cuddles with our most excellent show-pigs, the children were all invited to take part in the KLP design and pig and Piggy poetry competition in celebration of national pig day! We are looking forward to seeing the results! 

If you have a class full of little piglets that would benefit from a KLP visit, please get in touch at 

The KLP school visit will include the following:

1. Olivia will introduce herself and miniature pigs.
2. Explain what a miniature pig is, why they are so small and the different types of pigs we have here in the U.K. - dependant on age 
3. Learning about the pig’s needs. how to care for them (types of food, shelter, straw etc).
4. Fun overview of a pig’s anatomy including body parts, names.
5. A talk on 'rare' traditional breeds and where they are situated in the U.K. - dependant on age 
6. A talk on pigs as pets.
7. Q&A time for children.
8. Children can take part in creative discussions such as name a piglet, design a pig (showing what it will look like) and pig poetry - we can provide learning tools for the classroom after we leave.