International micro pig sales
European Micro Pig Sales
European pig sales are quite simple, as there is no need for quarantine. Importing a micro pig into another country can be a lengthy process as there are many procedures to go through in order to legally import a pig.
Please see our simple steps below on how we import pigs:
- Buy a micro pig from us. We will provide paperwork required to be signed to ensure the pigs will be care for well.
- Complete necessary forms – we can provide these. This can be a lengthy process that will result in a certificate being issued, which a vet will have to sign before export.
- An export approved vet from Hampden Vets will come out to inspect the pigs health
- We order a transport box from JCS Cargo that is compliant with Animals in transit guidelines.
- Flights are booked by JCS Cargo
- Pigs are then transported to Heathrow Airport and transport to the airplace by our transporters JCS Cargo.
** Due to Brexit and Covid-19 Restrictions, this is subject to change in 2022 and you would need to contact your country of import to find out their regulations on importing**
Fees to consider when purchasing for export:
- Admin fee - £299
- Pigs
- Vets fees - Variable cost
- Flights - Dependant on destination
- Transport of pigs
- Livery Costs
- Worming treatments - £30 per pig every 6 months
- Ear tagging - £40 per pig

Non – EU Micro Pig Sales
Importing a micro pig to an non-EU country can take a little longer as the pigs will need to be quarantined , this can be anywhere from 21 days, up until 60 days, depending on the destination. During this time, blood samples will be taken to ensure the pigs are fit to travel.
Please see out simple steps below on how we export pigs:
- Buy a micro pig from us. We will provide paperwork required to be signed to enusre the pigs will be care for well.
- Complete necessary forms – we can provide these. This can be a lengthy process that will result in a certificate being issued, which a vet will have to sign before export.
- An export approved vet from Hampden Vets will come out to inspect the pigs health, take blood samples and confirm the pig is fit to travel once results are received. This is more than 1 visit according to the country of import.
- We order a transport box from JCS Cargo that is compliant with Animals in transit guidelines.
- Flights are booked JCS Cargo
- Pigs are quantined - days dependant on country of destination and their rules.
- Pigs are then transported to Heathrow Airport and transport to the airplace by our transporters JCS Cargo.
Fees to consider when purchasing for export:
- Admin fee - £399
- Pigs
- Vets fees - Variable cost
- Quarantine costs - Variable cost dependant on number of days
- Flights - Dependant on destination
- Transport of pigs
- Livery Costs
- Worming treatments - £30 per pig every 6 months
- Ear tagging - £40 per pig
Our Quarantine Facility: