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National Pig Day / International Woman's Day – Kew Little Pigs Farm

National Pig Day / International Woman's Day

March is a very exciting month for us here at Kew Little Pigs. As we move through the 'Year of the Pig' we have some more thrilling events! 

National Pig Day -

National Pig Day is an event that is held annually on the 1st of March in the US to celebrate the pig, but as we love our piggies so much we're bringing it to the UK! The celebration was started in 1972 by two sisters. One of these sisters, Ellen Stanley, was a teacher. According to her sister Mary Lynne Rave, National Pig Day was created to 'accord the pig its rightful, though generally unrecognised, place as one of mans most intellectual and domesticated animals. 

Most people are unaware of how clever pigs actually are, but our pigs here at Kew Little Pigs are very good at reminding us! Sneaky escape artists and food stealers! 

International Women's Day -

International Women's Day is celebrated on March the 8th every year. It is one of the main points in the movement for Women's rights. The Socialist Party Of American organised Women's Day, as previously women were not allowed to work or vote. In some places, this day is a day of protest. People protesting as they do not believe that women are fully equal to men. In other places, it is used as a celebration of womanhood and to show respect for women around you. 
International Women's Day is an important one for us here at Kew Little Pigs. As we are an all female team, both office and farm staff, we believe that women are truly equal to men and can run (with the help of our adorable piggies) a successful business! 

Treat the woman in your life this International Women's Day by showing her how special she is....