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It's been a busy few weeks... – Kew Little Pigs Farm

It's been a busy few weeks...

Even though our doors have been closed to our lovely customers over the past few weeks, we have been very busy with maintenance jobs and the time has flown by! Not long now until we welcome visitors back...our farm has never looked better! Thank you to our brilliant farm staff Harry, Hope and Jamie for holding the fort.
The first, most gruelling job was to sort Gizmo, Blanket and Milo’s pen out that had turned into an enormous mud bath. Although we all know that pigs love mud, this was just getting too much! Over 20 wheelbarrows worth of mud were removed, it felt like it was never ending.

We then began preparations for the pigs who are moving to Japan in January. They will be going into quarantine during December for a month before flying the nest. The vet visited to take bloods and new pig huts arrived for the quarantine pens.

A day was spent worming all of our pigs, which we do every 6 months. Harry, Hope and Olivia wormed and vaccinated each and every one of the 28 pigs!

At this time of year, we spread woodchip in all of the pens to prevent them getting too muddy and wet. After a few weeks of searching for wood chip from local tree surgeons, we finally had some deliveries and the farm staff got to work spreading it into the pens. The pigs are very happy with their fresh pens, and the farm staff are very happy the job is done!

Another thing ticked off the list was building two new sheds for straw and hay. Harry’s handyman skills really came into their own, they were built fantastically and completed with a wheelbarrow ramp.

And in between the busy schedule, we took a few moments to appreciate our lovely farm and of course, had lots of cuddles with the pigs.

We can’t wait to share the farm with you when we reopen next week. The pigs are desperate for some customer attention, the farm is ready for you and we are raring to go! Thank you for all of your support over the second lockdown, let's hope it's the last!