Bucks business Expo 2020

On Friday 6th March 2020, Olivia and Katie from KLP exhibited at the Bucks Business Expo at the Gateway in Aylesbury.
The Expo is the mother of all networking events; your best chance all year to network with as many businesses as possible under one roof. The perfect opportunity to get the corporate world talking about Pigs!
Networking commenced as soon as the coffee started to flow, Olivia was already in talks with the coffee queue as soon as they arrived, generating lots of interest in our services and corporate offerings.
Due to the unique nature of our business, there was a mixed response from those who had/hadn't heard of us so was really fun to divulge our offerings and services, whilst melting hearts with images of our piggies!
Katie (who has only been with KLP since January 2020) made it her mission to network, sharing information on our free corporate trial days on March 9th and 11th. She successfully signed up 16 people across four businesses, with many more showing their interest.
This was a really good outlook on companies that are interested in providing us with a service AND coming down with their families on a personal level, especially after hearing about the new litters of piglet's we are expecting this April!
Throughout the event, the expo was running a live digital scavenger hunt, so our enthused Katie made it her mission to work the room, introducing KLP whilst scanning everyone's QR code. It was a heated race between companies; however Katie did her best and Kew Little Pigs ended up winning! Katie was rewarded for her incredible efforts with a free meal and the BBF networking event.
The lucky streak continued with us winning Whitley Neill Gin gift hamper from accountancy firm Seymour Taylor's business card raffle.
Katie and Olivia left the event not only with a gift hamper, frrebies and information, they came back with a fantastic new list of corporate contacts to help us build up our network of contacts within buckinghamshire.
If you'd like to here more about our corporate packages and options for staff reward days, parties, events or office visits, please get in touch with the team info@kewlittlepigs.com