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An emotional farewell to our precious pig Kew – Kew Little Pigs Farm

An emotional farewell to our precious pig Kew

It is with great sadness that we have to announce the untimely departure of our darling pig Kew. She was the heartbeat of our business, the reason we exist, a kind and gentle creature who will live on forever in our memories and our hearts.  

Kew had been taken ill with what we first thought was toothache from an abscess, however through blood tests, we were informed she was battling Leukaemia and that she wasn't going to make it. On the 19th of August we had to make the heartbreaking decision to let our darling Kew take her forever sleep, a decision that has devastated the farm and our customers alike. 

In celebration of Kew, we'd like to share a eulogy of her life with Kew Little Pigs.

Kew was born on the 25th January 2011 and became KLP very first show girl, building up a popular portfolio modelling for jewellery and fashion shoots as well as appearances and shows. 

Her early life was spent living in Kew with Olivia and her daughter Eva, who as a little girl would take baths with kew and even shared a bed! Eva was a pig crazy little girl who was obsessed with the film Babe, so when Kew arrived at their home, Eva doted on her. 

Kew is the reason we are doing what we do today, Olivia has built a  hugely successful and unique miniature Pig farm in Amersham and KLP have darling Kew to thank for this. 

Due to her beauty and gentle nature, Kew soon became a favourite of customers that visited her as well as that of the hugely successful internet based business Moon Pig, who chose Kew as their Mascot which meant she got to take regular trips to Moon Pig HQ. 

Kew had as much as a life on the farm as she did on the road, travelling to pet shows and events across the country. 

In 2014 Kew attended the London Pet show with a litter of her beautiful piglets. Both Kew and her babies drew in so much attention, helping grow the KLP fan-base!

Kew also travelled to the Royal Star and Garter care homes, bringing joy to residents and staff. 

After numerous litters and officially becoming a dame ( piggy grandmother) Kew spent her latter years in retirement on the farm with her piggy pals. In 2017 she suffered a Phantom pregnancy of which she sadly never really recovered from, however she remained in high spirits welcoming in visitors for a cuddle and a photo opportunity.

When we talk about Kew Little pigs and the business it has become, we can't not mention our beautiful and gracious Kew. She made the farm what it is today and its been hard missing her morning feed over the last week. 

Kew's illness had taken a hold of her, and after she lost 2 teeth in June 2019, she deteriorated rapidly. After a call out from the vets, it was then we learnt from blood tests she had final stage Leukaemia. 

Devastated we tried to do all we could, asking for Kew to have chemotherapy and steroid treatment to help prolong her life, however it was too late and despite our vets incredible efforts to save our darling Kew, time had sadly run out.   

Hampden vets works so hard to help and we have been very fortune and would like to thank them for such professional animal care and for helping make Kew's last days more bearable. 

Her life might have been short, but it was not in vain. Kew enriched so many lives and taught us so much about the pig - intelligent, gentle and caring animals who bring joy to so many people.

Kew we love you and think about you all the time. 

'Kew little pigs hearts will take time to mend, in Kew we didn't just lose a pet, we lost our friend'